7 hours into the photoshoot.
I was knackered. My feet and thongs stained red from the earth and punctured by the meanest bindi eyes west of Toowoomba. My favourite jeans were trashed and tee stained and filthy…..but I was grinning like a mofo and the esky was whispering my name.
Yet this powerhouse chick hadn’t missed a beat. Over 600 poses, stacks of costume changes all in the scorching heat. It was a fun day but it was time to pull stumps…
….and then the light did this amazing thing. All of a sudden the day turned on this surreal ephemeral soft warm glow...
“Tash we gotta capture this!”

In the following moments we captured some magic. Angus turned into James Bond and Tash blossomed in to Australia's next country super model.
This day, this meeting, the connection to the bush, this experience filling my soul with creative energy and excitement. It was the day Kenoath took off to the next level. It was the day I deeply felt Kenoath was special and it was the day I discovered a passion for photography.
Earlier that morning I pulled down the long drive way of the property, I could see Angus, a big white boofy 79 Landcruiser ute……splayed like some steroid injected transformer in the drive way. A good looking fella, but no supermodel.
A glance around the joint….sheds, tyres, paddocks barb wire. Mild panic setting in. How the actual…can I make this work? How can I make a truck and a chick look lush?
Enter the scene Tash.
There is a powerful presence and positive aura surrounding this lady. Beneath the exterior, a serene and assured strength, blinding intelligence and special gifts. It seemed within moments we were great mates, flowing and connected.
It was an absolute honour and privilege to share space with this special lady. Captured here are the moments when brand and personality collide…
It's our honour to showcase Tash, her rig Angus and best mate Saf.
Tash has become a dear friend and supporter of Kenoath and it won't be the last you see of her and Angus.
Our next project is in the planning and takes cheekiness to a new level - with a surprise twist for the Landcuiser lovers!