
It’s February 2020 on Planet Earth...
Due to technology the World has shrunk. So too has our brain size and attention span. In the mind numbing space of internet addiction, social media experts state the average attention span is 6 seconds.
Which means I have another 2 seconds for this intro to make sense…
Brooke Strahan destroys labels and you won’t place this lady in a box. She can't be defined. In the homogenous World of vapid pouts and faked reality, Brooke is a true 'one of kind". I could have easily titled this Gallery as Beauty and the Beast - but Brooke is deeper than her looks. Much...much deeper.
Living in the rugged High Country of Victoria, Brooke delves deep into her creative kit bag as an author, artist, hunter, photographer and earth lover. Her feet walk with reverence on the soils of Gaia, deeply connected to nature with a rhythm that beats with the wild. Her soul seems to blend effortlessly into the rugged landscape, wild and free.
You won’t find her getting her nails done in a shopping mall. Her hands cling to paintbrushes, rifles, and glasses of King Valley shiraz......when she’s not writing thriller novels. Phew.
"The Subject. Just a little heads up, my novels contain profanity, violence and sexual references. Hope you enjoy" - Brooke
To purchase a copy of The Subject please click HERE
To view Brooke's Instagram page please click HERE
This lady is something else. She could wear a potato sack and still look stylish. She may rock with the Brumbies but she rolls like a thoroughbred.
First time followers are captured by her page's lush aesthetic and her form. However her words are an artform which beguile and capture the reader and reveal a deep intelligence.
Brooke has an authentic and connected relationship with her followers spanning all over the World. It is her generosity of spirit which blows me away. This lady is a champion for causes which her heart connects to. She does it with an open heart an true altruism.
Hence this is how Brooke burst into our life back in January 2020 when she and husband Nathan grabbed a couple of Bushfire Relief Tees from us and started posting the most amazing shots and promoting the cause to her vast following. We soon learned these folk were the salt of the Earth with hearts of Gold.
A friendship started to form and talks of photoshoots and surf trips bubbled away through the nightmare of 2020 lockdowns.
Deep and late into December 2020, Brooke rang me and declared she was coming up to the Gold Coast to visit family for Christmas. We both agreed a photoshoot, was a must and she would be accompanied by her companion Sandy.
Her Instagram account went a little quiet for a couple of days as she escaped Victoria and unwound on the highway of freedom. The brumby was unleashed!
Into the trip, she posted the most amazing photo immersing herself into the salt and sand of Shoalhaven Beach. I messaged her telling her Sandy was an incredible photographer.
“No Desi, I took that image myself. Sandy is our Landcruiser”
So here I am waiting in the Tallebudgera Creek carpark with nervous excitement....and then this beast rumbles towards me.
After a hug and a chuckle I open one of Sandy's doors and she is chokka block full of skateboards, surfboards, guitars, ugg-boots and bikinis. This is gonna be fun!